–> The Maritime and Offshore exhibition Sea Asia took place in MBS this week and I was there. It is my 17th year in the industry.
Tag: Ezion

ASL, Ausgroup, Dyna-Mac, Ezion Ezra, Falcon, Keppel Corp, Kris Energy Mencast, Marco Polo Nam Cheong, Otto Marine, Pacific Radiance Perisai Petroleum, SembMarine (Jurong shipyard), Swissco,

This post is in response to SMK comment in my previous article querying if Tanker market is overheating. Thank you SMK. Tankers Indeed, the

Asian Offshore Support Journal (AOSJ) Conference About two weeks ago, I attended a two-day conference in Singapore – Asian Offshore Support Journal (AOSJ). This is

Over the last month, I had been pretty tame in terms of stocks action partly due to my newborn and the market volatility. Now, New Year,